About DTK Group

Regardless of which needs for transport within Europe and Scandinavia, or which type of warehousing or logistics solution you require, the limited partnership companies in DTK can find a solution. We’re the parent and development company for a number of current and future limited partnership companies within transport, warehousing and logistics both in Denmark and abroad which work together in order to offer our customers the best solutions. We have almost 30 years’ experience and are always on the lookout for new firms that can expand our portfolio of solutions within our business area.

Transport, warehousing and logistics

For most people, transport, warehousing and logistics sound like a nice, well-defined area in which to operate. However, each and every firm has its unique needs within these particular areas – and it’s certainly not immaterial which solution is chosen. At the same time, different product groups in the same firm can have different transport needs.

This often means that firms choose transport and warehousing/logistics companies that specialise in transport or handling of the types of goods that the firm in question sells. So when new transport solutions are required, these firms have to find new business partners.

Do you have an interesting transport or logistics solution?

Do you have a company within the transport and warehousing/logistics business that provides interesting solutions or new approaches to the market? Or do you need the financial muscle to invest in new technology or to grow your business? Then contact us and hear more about how your business can become our next partner in DTK Group. Or read more about becoming a limited partnership company in DTK Group here.

Do you have an interesting transport or logistics solution?

Do you have a company within the transport and warehousing/logistics business that provides interesting solutions or new approaches to the market? Or do you need the financial muscle to invest in new technology or to grow your business? Then contact us and hear more about how your business can become our next partner in DTK Group. Or read more about becoming a limited partnership company in DTK Group here.

Everything under one roof

It doesn’t have to be if you work with one of the partnership companies in DTK Group. We’ve gathered together a number of different logistics and transport firms that can handle both very ordinary and highly specialised transport and warehousing/logistics solutions – without you being passed around from one firm to the next.

Due to a flat organisational structure and decentralised decision-making competence, your regular point of contact in one of our firms can easily arrange all types of warehousing, logistics and transport solutions – even though some of the tasks will be provided by another of our firms within the group. This means that you don’t need to become acquainted with a completely new business partner and are certain of getting the right solution, as we already know your firm and know what you do, what’s important for you and how we best can work together.

Built on an experienced business

DTK Group is built on experience gained in DTK – Dansk Transport Kompagni. We were founded in 1991 and later expanded with different warehousing and logistics solutions covering everything from unloading of containers, through standard storage hotels to full-line management of warehousing, logistics and shipping.

Today the original DTK A/S and DTK Logistics GmbH are two of the limited partnership companies in the group, along with DTK Road A/S, DTK Frigo A/S and several others.

Read more about the limited partnership companies in DTK Group:

Focus on warehousing, logistics, LTL & FTL traffic to/from Denmark, Germany, Benelux, France, Switzerland, Italy and Eastern Europe.

Warehouse logistics and classic warehousing tasks such as storage, handling, unloading containers, etc.

Delivering LTL/FTL throughout Scandinavia, e.g. most recently components for a wind farm in northern Norway close to the Russian border.

Time-critical and temperature-controlled transportation of foodstuffs, in particular all forms of fresh, frozen, salted and dried fish.

Shall we contact you?

Complete this form – and we’ll give you a call! You can also always call us on +45 74 67 08 00 if you have any questions. We’re always ready to provide useful advice.

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